Monday, July 25, 2011

A Lucid Projection

I became lucid in a dream and realized that it was not just a lucid dream but a strange mix of a lucid dream with an astral projection/OBE, I have been aware of the transition from one to the other in the past but never aware of both existing simultaneously in such a clear knowing way.
There is a girl in the room. I become aware that she is a figment of my imagination. An empty thought mirage. I try and connect with the dream/AP itself and I began asking for guidance within this strange experience. I tried to maneuver like I usually would in an astral projection but it was not working out. So I began maneuvering like in an OBE and it was just too real. I then realize that my thoughts were getting the best of me when I started to imagine my wrist bone popping out of my skin, but in this lucid dream/AP I have such control that I immediately reverse the thought and action.

I gathered some courage and stomped out into the balcony to see what i could do about it. I thought of using my technique of jumping off a building to break into a full AP but I can feel the metal rail of the balcony and it was so real that i could not do this. I have done this so many times, but this one was way too real. I then looked down and see fog, trees, and strange vintage cars racing by. I begin to wonder if it is actually real life. The view was a bit different from the view in my waking reality though. I begin to yell out into the street at the experience/energy itself when suddenly I realize, I am astral projecting with my whole apartment. I have heard of astral projecting with the clothes or sheets, but my whole apt?

The weird realization that followed was that I was my apt and myself at the same time. We were one. As soon as I began realizing this, the balcony began to lose shape and flop down. I tried to hold onto the seperation thought (that I am not my apt) in order to keep the solid balcony but it only worked for a bit. I snapped back to waking reality and was reminded about the Tibetan story told by an Indian guru where he ran into a group of monks that are capable of moving things telekinetically by becoming their surroundings through intense meditation/belief. He was not prepared to witness such powers or this level of belief/thought control, so he fled.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Earth Metamorphosis

In my dream I was running down flooding hallways with never ending doors that I kept shutting behind me until I got to the Ocean..I noticed that the seas were parting but more like a spiral kind of parting(like flushing a toilet bowl but in slow motion) was gentle though, people weren't was like an intelligent live ocean...they were slowly spiraling around the insides of the water floating peacefully on the water..there were cars and motorcycles too. Everybody seemed confused but the energy was so gentle that we all relaxed and just watched as the Earth split in two and it now looked more like a concave craft (bowl shaped) of some sort.. there was something that looked like a sun in the center with what looked like a metal disk around the top of it with a hole that showed this "Sun"..what seemed like planets were floating within the Earth suspended near the orange middle "Sun". it was so cool to see how the Earth transformed itself half concave craft... It made me think that the Earth is like an animal and when the time comes, it instinctively goes through a transformation or metamorphosis...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dreaming in Peru vs Dreaming in the U.S.

I have been in Lima, Peru for the past week and a half after not having been here for a couple of years and I noticed that dreaming in Peru is so different than dreaming in the U.S.  It's like a whole different energetic realm. Here, dream characters appear and disappear in more of a quick's not as fluid. Time and manifestation within the dream is altered. There's a certain white fog all around..very shamanic. This makes me think about mass consciousness and how that effects the dream world. I have also noticed that here I can let go more easily and allow things to happen in the waking 'reality'. Synchronicity occurs at the speed of thought. Things here in Peru are a bit more chaotic in the dream realm but at the same time it is necessary to have control over the fear otherwise it all turns against you. The dream is as sensitive to emotions as in an out of body experience. Manifestation is instantly materialized within my dream in real time with my feelings. This usually only occurs in astral projections but somehow here (peru) it happens in the dream as well. I have to constantly wake up from situations that I myself create out of fear. This fear is of contact with other beings from other realms since they have a more direct access to me here than in the U.S. I usually get dream visits but it's over a period of time and I am always pretty much in control of myself and my surroundings. I find that here I have very little control of my surroundings and of the people coming into my dream..As if I had a big fat sign that says OPEN HOUSE! 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

clarOscura movies coming soon - DREAMS, AP, LD, OBE presents a collage of words describing the movie/video projects soon to come...stay tuned.
Thanks in advance to the talented actors who will be featured in the films.